Er Chen Tang: The Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to Treating Phlegm

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), phlegm is viewed as a root cause of many ailments, summed up in the saying "Of ten diseases, nine are caused by phlegm" (십병구담, 十病九痰)). Phlegm, in this context, is not merely something you cough up when you have a cold; it is a broader concept that refers to pathological substances blocking the normal functioning of the body.

Phlegm can cause a range of symptoms depending on where it is located in the body. If phlegm is in the lungs, it may result in coughing. When it's in the head, it might lead to headaches or dizziness. If it's in the ears, hearing issues may arise, while in the eyes, it can cause visual impairments. In the nose, it can cause a runny nose; in the throat, it may result in a hoarse voice. If it resides in the chest, it can cause feelings of oppression and tightness, while in the stomach, it may cause abdominal pain or diarrhea. If phlegm is present in the limbs or back, it can lead to impaired blood circulation, numbness, or pain.

The TCM theory states "spleen deficiency produces dampness, stagnated dampness turns into phlegm" (비허생습 脾虛生濕, 습구화담 濕久化痰). In other words, when the spleen is weakened, dampness occurs, and if this dampness persists, it turns into phlegm. This concept is similar to the ancient Greek medical notion of "rheuma" which refers to any watery discharge that obstructs the normal functioning of the body.

제주신문 모바일 사이트, 저류시설 오염 벌써부터 모기 걱정

The representative traditional Chinese medicine used to treat phlegm is Ban Xia, and the prescription is Er Chen Tang, and the most effective acupuncture point being is ST-40(Fenglong). These are used for phlegm regardless of where the phlegm is located, substantial or non-substantial.

To understand how Er Chen Tang treats phlegm, let's examine its composition.

Consider the metaphor of unclogging a drain pipe. First, you use a chemical to dissolve the blockage, then you plunge to move it away, and finally, you pour hot water to flush the pipe. Er Chen Tang works similarly.

• Ban Xia, the primary ingredient, acts as the chemical dissolving the blockage. It's the most effective herb for resolving and transforming phlegm.

• Chen Pi (or Ju Hong), the second ingredient, serves as the plunger, promoting the movement of qi and pushing the phlegm away.

• Fu Ling, the third component, flushes out the remnants of the clog through urination, much like hot water used to clean a pipe.

To explain this in a more dramatic analogy:

• Ban Xia is the killer who eliminate the "target."

• Chen Pi is the expert who get rid of the "body."

• Fu Ling is the cleaning crew, cleaning up the "crime scene."

The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, Vol. 1: Eiji Otsuka, Housui Yamazaki:  9781593075552: Books

This combination of herbs within Er Chen Tang formula, therefore, provides a comprehensive treatment for conditions related to phlegm in the body.

For more information about Ban Xia, the main herb used in Er Chen Tang, please visit this link: